Butterley Garden Railway Association

2024 AGM

A very unpromising day started with heavy rain but managed to transform into a most pleasant winter gathering. Our Annual General Meeting drew a very good number of members, many having a run and some just for the meeting. The tracks were busy and we even got a good crowd of public viewers due to the MRT running over Half Term.

The cabin and site had been tidied, including a new banner on the end of the hut and an impressive new planter under the windows at the front. The garden and track was looking colourful, as spring blooms started to make their appearance and a wide variety of engines and stock took their places in the sidings.

The meeting went smoothly, members paid their subs and plans for 2024 were explained. Many stayed then for a lovely session right through to a glorious sunset. Much tea was consumed and even a few biscuits.

Dave, Joe and Elliot took the photos.

(Sunday 18th February 2024)

Some of these photos, in high quality, may also be seen on other BGRA Social Media Sites.

Dave's photos

Dave's photo

A wet start but the site was looking great.

Dave's photo

MRT was running Half Term trains.

Dave's photo

Dave's photo

Empty now but a lot of people by late morning.

Dave's photo

Our garden was ready to welcome visitors.

Elliot's photos

Elliot's photo

A big attendance of members.

Elliot's photo

It was great to see so many visitors.

Elliot's photo

Mike entertained the younger enthusiasts.

Elliot's photo

Elliot's photo

Steam in the spring garden is colourful.

Elliot's photo

Elliot's photo

St. Glenis's Church surrounded by colour.

Elliot's photo

Elliot's photo

There were lots of battery electrics.

Elliot's photo

Elliot's photo

Elliot's photo

Elliot's photo

Mike brought his "Little Locos" as in this great photo. But Mike was sad that it was slightly spoilt by his decoupling tool....

Elliot's photo

... cleverly photo-shopped out by Elliot.

Joe's photos

Joe's photo

There was a plethora of tiny trains at one point just before the meeting but not so many photos were taken.

Joe's photo

Dave ran his Lady Anne.

Joe's photo

Mike ran his little wonders.

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's Bertie kept the public entertained for ages.

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Members gathered.

Joe's photo

Joe showcased his new scratch built loco, only completed just before he left the house.

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe was really pleased as his loco confidently pulled a variety of stock with no hitches.

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Eric ran his brilliant Roundhouse Dylan.

Joe's photo

Elliot ran his intriguing Regner Lumberjack.

Joe's photo

Andrew ran his handsome tram engine and matching stock.

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Joe's photo

Some excellent modelling on display.

Joe's photo

Full sidings even late in the afternoon.

Joe's photo

Other Dave ran his Billy in an impressive livery matching his coaches...

Joe's photo

... and a rather attractive, kit built Fowler, running into the sunset.

If you have more photos to add to this or other galleries then please send them to