Butterley Garden Railway Association


Our "garden" layout has been developed over a number of years to give easy and enjoyable running. Currently, there are three main running tracks. The upper level is laid in twin loops offering both 32 and 45mm gauge running, whilst the lower level gives our locos a good run round the 100-yard loop, laid in 32mm gauge rail. There are steam-up bays at both levels. No track is electric-powered at the moment but we intend to electrify the upper 45mm loop by Summer 2023.

We have one of the 16mm Association's boiler testing kits to assist members keeping their locos in good order. In addition to the track, we have a club hut with drinks-making facilities (i.e. an electric kettle and water), and toilets are located nearby.

Butterley Station (under the road bridge) also has a small buffet where one can buy refreshments, so you see we have everything a garden railway enthusiast might want!

Our layout is immensly improved by a well tended garden and an enthusiastic Gardenning Crew headed by Glenis, our Garden Manager.

Layout PLans

Drone Shots

Boiler Testing

Our Garden

Front of layout at the bottom.

Diagram of upper and lower tracks

Track Layout (not to scale) Black = Lower Layout with 32mm gauge Peco Track

Yellow Highlights = Upper Layout with 32mm track for the inner loop and 45mm track for the outer loop.

45mm sidings to the left and 32mm sidings to the right.

Front of layout on the right

Diagram of upper and lower tracks

Track Layout (not to scale) Black = Lower Layout with 32mm gauge Peco Track

Yellow Highlights = Upper Layout with 32mm track for the inner loop and 45mm track for the outer loop.

45mm sidings to the top and 32mm sidings to the bottom.

Some brilliant views of our layout from a drone.

Many thanks to Rod Nipper

Drone view of BGRA layout

Great shot during our Coal Firing Day (Sunday 23rd April 2023)

Drone view of BGRA layout

Drone view of BGRA layout

Drone view of BGRA layout

We should mention the Elephant in the Room. The coach in a blue canvas wrap.

Drone view of BGRA layout

It's a clearstory balcony ended Midland Pullman Coach from circa 1874.

Drone view of BGRA layout

in recent years its condition has deteriorated and now lies under the distinctive blue tarpaulin.

Midland Pulman Coach

In its prime it would have looked like the photo above.

Boiler Testing

Boiler testing is NOT compulsory at BGRA but is recommended as good practice. Boiler test in progress

Boiler Test Day.

If you need a boiler testing then we are able to do this for you. We have one of the 16mm Association kits and a qualified tester.

We aim to be able to do tests, strictly by appointment, at any regular Wednesday running session.

But you MUST contact Mike Riley to confirm before attending.

Mike Riley


Telephone: 01509 554574

Mobile: 07522 554446

Boiler testing is NOT compulsory at present but is recommended as good practice. See the 16mm association website for more details.

We have a well tended garden

Elliot's Garden Photos

Enjoying sunshine and showers in April 2024

Elliot's Garden Photos

showing the benefits of loving attention.

Elliot's Garden Photos

Elliot's train running through the garden.

Elliot's Garden Photos

Mosses and mini plants bedding in.

Elliot's Garden Photos

Spring growth.

Elliot's Garden Photos

Our garden with a railway.

Promoted on our Facebook site.

Looking great in April 2023

Dave's Garden Photos

Looking more established in the improved rockery.

Dave's Garden Photos

Daffodils in abundance in the 'Not The Bog Garden'

Dave's Garden Photos

Dave's Garden Photos

Birds loving their feed at the back of the cabin.

Some rockery Improvements in Spring 2023

Joe's Photos

Glenis inspects the work done.

Joe's Photos

Joe's Photos

Some pansies to give instant colour.

Joe's Photos

Other plants will give more cover later in the year.

Joe's Photos

Trains ready to run.

Joe's Photos

Final touches.

Joe's Photos

Mike preparing for a run.

Photos from Spring 2019.

Still recognisable but much altered due to track renewals

Spring Flowers in the Garden

Spring Flowers in the Garden

Spring Flowers in the Garden

Spring Flowers in the Garden

Spring Flowers in the Garden

Spring Flowers in the Garden

Spring Flowers in the Garden

Extended Garden 2022

The Gardeners

The Gardening Crew

We have taken on the task of maintaining the MRT flower bed in front of the toilet block. Glenis, with Tom, Dave (and initial work by Mike) have made a great start. It’s all part of our presentation to the public who pass by when using the facilities.

The Gardeners

Glenis says...This is NOT the BOG GARDEN

ED: (Can you suggest a better name?)


In bloom during Spring 2023