The 2011 AGM was held on 27th February, which was a DIRE day for running - so everybody attended!
Chairman David telling it how it is...............
........... with the Commitee listening attentively..............
........... and the Treasurer recording it all..............
........... whilst the membership listen with rapt attention! (Well, some of us did......)
We had a visitor from the Antipodes - Mini Stacy Baker was absorbed by the discussion on the new Constitution........
"I wish we'd never DONE a Constitution!"
(Manic laughter) "It's mine, all mine!!! Mike Riley collecting subs.
After the meeting, some brave souls went out to run..............
........... even though the weather was quite 'orrible..............
Chairman David doing what he likes best - preparing a loco to run..............
........... whilst everybody else watched.