It was a fairly normal afternoon at the End of March. A committee meeting had been scheduled in the afternoon but several members had arrived in the Morning. Glenis, our Garden Manager, had made plan and got herself organised.
Re-arrange the rockery, plant new blooms and generally tidy up the garden were items on Glenis's agenda and she found some willing volunteers to help her.
We all agreed that the results made a great improvement and everyone enjoyed their run before our meeting. When that was done the run continued until home time.
Joe took the photos. (Sunday 26th March 2023)
Glenis inspects the work done.
Some pansies to give instant colour.
Other plants will give more cover later in the year.
Trains ready to run.
Final touches.
Mike prepares for his run.
Everyone enjoyed their run.
Daffodils out in Glenis's new garden (not the Bog Garden).
If you have more photos to add to this or other galleries then please send them to