Our AGM was very well attended with lots of members coming to run trains and running continuing into the evening. There were also lots of photos taken and some videos.
The weather was very kind to us and very welcome because of our vandalised windows providing unwelcome ventilation while awaiting repair. The sun was warm but it was still chilly in the shade, making it a very pleasant spring day.
No surprises in the meeting but a good plan made for 2023. More details will be publicised soon and a supporting newsletter on the way.
Elliot, Dave, Phil, Alan and Joe took the photos. (19/2/2023)
A well attended meeting
And a fun running session
Joe lining up a shot
Zeno's ELR Horatio
Zeno concentrating
Lots to discuss
After the meeting there was a great run in progress
Phil's 7/8 and 16mm posing together
Just Joe and Zeno with the layout to themselves.
Joe's Talgarth in the superb sunset.
If you have more photos to add to this or other galleries then please send them to bgrawebsite@gmail.com.