After much careful thought and reasoned argument, we finally decided to start our track improvement program. We wanted to renew and improve the whole bottom track. The idea being to to make running less problematic, easier point operation, more siding space, provide shunting opportunities and make the working of the layout more visible to the viewing public.
We broke the task down into three main phases. Phase 1: The front of the layout from bridge to clubhouse. Phase 2: The Rear of the layout from bridge to clubhouse. Phase 3: The Back Loop.
The back loop (Phase 3) would be by far the most difficult part so we decided to start with this bit. The problem being that it is mostly at ground level and the ground had subsided slightly and seemed to be still moving.
Some years previously we had renewed the loop. At this stage, no one realised that there was a problem with the track base. The new track was cemented down to the concrete base and for a few weeks worked beautifully. But one Sunday we arrived to find sections of the track pushed out of place with no obvious cause. After this there were several further incidents and though we repaired the track, it was never as perfect as when it was first laid.
So what to do? A relay along the same lines would probably end up with the same problems. Renewing the track base was a logical solution but involve a huge effort, shut the track for several weeks and still might not solve the problem if the ground underneath the base was moving.
Whacky solution needed. Lay a continuous sheet of aluminium over the base, supported by a screed of Postcrete, layers of pond liner and the track screwed firmly on top. So why not make it even more whacky? Lay double track around the whole loop. Even more whacky, let's do it in four days so we didn't miss a Sunday running day.
This is how it went and Elliot took the photos.
First job, lift the old track...
...clear the concrete base...
...check what we've got.
And we've got wobbly slabs.
Drink tea and have a think.
...we could lift and relay some of the track base.
Eric thinks...
I'm outa here, lets do gardening.
Right lets heave ho...
...blimey, these are heavy.
Needs some mortar.
Now what have we got here...
...mmm, not too bad.
Let's all disappear for more tea...
...and serious discussion.
More cement.
Let's lift this one as well.
More cement.
So that's what's underneath.
Well we've started so we need to finish.
I hope someone knows what they're doing.
...get mixing.
This one's wobbly too...
...but maybe we can split it...
...and lift it.
More cement.
Fix it at the level.
A bit more adjustment.
The base is level (ish) and ready for the track relay.
Just a bit of finishing.
And smoothing.
Now to the aluminium.
One or two layers of Pond Liner...
...cut to size by Elliot...
...and then a sheet of 2mm aluminium.
...and riveted with Monel rivets.
We dumped the clamps and found that a big boot was just as effective.
Going well so more tea.
The aluminium sheets overlapped... provide a smooth...
...continuous surface...
...easy to screw down the track...
...hopefully immune to movement in the base.
Also very shiny...
...and in no time it was done.
Then a layer of butyl rubber on the top... cover the aluminium...
...and provide noise insulation.
Then track laying.
A vast collection of cordless drills appeared.
Two working parties screwed the track down.
Very careful measurement of the gap between the tracks.
The beginning and end of the lay were the most critical.
Meanwhile, Elliot covered the holes in the base.
Trimmed and ready to go.
The joins in the track were staggered...
...which took extra preparation...
...but made a better job.
It was hard work...
...uncomfortable because of the cramped workspace.
Thank goodness some of us had knees that would take the strain.
We were nearly done.
Then finally a meeting in the middle.
Tom arrived and took on a supervisory role.
Glenys had sent him to keep an eye on her plants.
The end was in sight...
...and the inside circuit was laid...
...and ready to be linked up.
Last bit...
...oh no not a bit missing...
Finished and final approval from Tom.
...not too much...
...but an important finishing touch.
A bit more relaxing...
...because the end result was in sight.
Tea and some clearing up.
Admiring the result.
Last minute tweaks.
Test run then home for a rest.
Many thanks to all involved especially Tom, Eric, Mike, Phil, Don, Clive, Dave and Elliot.>
Photos by Elliot
If you have more photos to add to this or other galleries then please send them to