Butterley Garden Railway Association

2019 Loco Olympics.

It was a very, VERY hot day but the event had been well planned and ran like clockwork. Members brought a wide range of locos to compete in each challenge. The battery electrics did very well as did geared steam locos and a brave Mamod.

Four events ran through the day. Controlled Running, Pulling Power, Tug of War and the Shunting Challenge. Lots of things were going on as can be seen in the pictures.

In Pulling Power, tractive effort was measured in Grams against a spring balance.

In Controlled Running a chalice wagon is pulled round the top circuit, the winner spilling the least water.

Tug of War was run on a knock-out basis. No Garretts were allowed.

In Shunting Challenge against the clock, the engine had to propel a short rack of wagons to the sidings with a Brake Van next to the engine. Then by shunting, reverse the brake van to the rear of the train and haul the train back to its starting point.

Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun and the passing public enjoyed our activities. Lucy took the photos, helped by Elliot when her battery went flat.

Lucy's pictures of the Day's Events.

Scenes of loco competitions

Criccieth Castle setting off on the Controlled Running Challenge.

Scenes of loco competitions

Battery electrics did best in this event.

Scenes of loco competitions

Smooth running essential to keep the water in the chalice.

Scenes of loco competitions

Pulling power in grams, measured with an electronic luggage scale.

Scenes of loco competitions

Geared steam managed controlled runs too.

Scenes of loco competitions

The Tug of War organised by a very attractive guest member.

Scenes of loco competitions

The Shunting Challenge in full swing. Criccieth Castle about to start. Objective to shunt the wagons and guards van into reverse formation and return to the starting point in the minimum time.

Scenes of loco competitions

The roof open to improve the loco's drag coefficient, according to its driver.

Scenes of loco competitions

When the red flag falls, start pulling without wheel slippage. Again the Criccieth Castle ruled.

Scenes of loco competitions

Everyone took part.

Scenes of loco competitions

Mike winning the shunting challenge (Maybe because he understood the rules).

Scenes of loco competitions

Much discussion.

Scenes of loco competitions

Mortimer on standby.

Scenes of loco competitions

Carefull topping up.

Scenes of loco competitions

Much activity.

Scenes of loco competitions

More topping up.

Scenes of loco competitions

Roundhouse vs Roundhouse. Criccieth Castle took on all challengers even a pair of Little Johns.

Scenes of loco competitions

Brave attempt with a radio controlled steamer.

Scenes of loco competitions

Careful measurement.

Scenes of loco competitions

Another green Roundhouse.

Scenes of loco competitions

Dead heat between Criccieth Castle and Roundhouse Lady Anne.

Scenes of loco competitions

This young lad enjoyed his visit.

Scenes of loco competitions

Normal running on the lower track.

Scenes of loco competitions

Passengers at the station looked unimpressed.

Scenes of loco competitions


Scenes of loco competitions

Taking the strain.

Scenes of loco competitions

Last years winner not so successful this year. The track was a bit greasy.

Scenes of loco competitions

Mike's locos resting in the sidings.

Scenes of loco competitions

Andrew starting the Shunting Challenge.

Scenes of loco competitions

Measuring spillage, how much does it take to fill it up?

Scenes of loco competitions

Lots of water.

Scenes of loco competitions

Elliot trying controlled running with his Mamod.

Scenes of loco competitions

Final defeat for the Criccieth Castle at the hand of a Roundhouse Silver Lady.

Scenes of loco competitions

Everything recorded by Mike.

Scenes of loco competitions

Time for a chat.

Scenes of loco competitions

Mamod giving its best pull.

Scenes of loco competitions

More shunting.

Scenes of loco competitions

More splishing and splashing.

Scenes of loco competitions

And a crash. Elliot's Mamod had a few accidents....

Scenes of loco competitions

...before finally managing a complete run. And winning in the oscilator category.

Photos by Lucy

The Prizes

Prizes being presented

Andrew won the most but everyone won something.

Prizes being presented

Prizes being presented

We had an audience, not sure they knew what was going on.

Prizes being presented

Prizes being presented

Prizes being presented

Prizes being presented

A great day.

Photos by Elliot

If you have more photos to add to this or other galleries then please send them to