It was a hot weekend, including the longest day and the start of summer. There was a good turnout on the Friday to help set up, clean and tidy. Then an early start on the Saturday for the Open Weekend.
Four traders did steady business through the day. John Sutton Books and Models were selling a range of engines, stock and other bits. Wood Valley Works sold a selection of laser cut and 3D printed kits and created much interest. BlackCat Bridges displayed their sturdy aluminium bridges plus tools and other accessories. Norman displayed a huge collection of models and accessories including member sales.
On the track there were many runners including guests and the warm weather made for a pleasant day. Dave demonstrated coal firing on the top track and aroused great interest from the passing public.
Glenis and Mary were very successful in selling plants, John made endless teas and Elliot and Lucy did a fantastic job on their Tombola which proved to be very popular.
Sunday was a bit dull but still warm. There seemed to be fewer visitors but it was enjoyable with steady business and lots of runners. As the afternoon went on it looked like rain was likely but it held off long enough for us to pack everything up. Dave and John took the pictures.
Elliot and Lucy hiding behind their excellent tombola.
Tom inspects Norman's offerings.
Glenis and Mary relax before the rush.
Stalls all set out with BlackCat Bridges at the end.
Wood Valley Works relaxing in the heat.
Norman checking out John Sutton's stall.
Chilling out.
Dave attracting attention with his coal firing.
Clive steaming up.
Photos by John
Photos by Dave
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