Butterley Garden Railway Association

2019 Mamod Day.

It was a fine Saturday morning, the first day of June, when we set up ready for our Mamod Day. Elliot had recruited a local Mamod fan through the BGRA Facebook Page who ran a smart looking MSS engine and train.

Norman set up a brilliant display of static engines and classic Mamod road engines. His display attracted much attention from the public and many childhood memories were revived for people of a certain age.

On the track, we tried to run as many Mamods as possible even though some were in heavy disguise. Elliot had a sight glass blow that forced an early end to his Mamod running and we all ran other locos as the day passed.

It would have been nice to have a few more runners but it was still a good day and our visitors seemed to like it. Dave, Don and Lucy took the pictures.

Engines attending Mamod Day

Dave's poorly Mamod on a low loader.

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Not a Mamod but still a welcome runner.

Engines attending Mamod Day

Chairman enjoys the sunshine while Elliot's Mamod recovers from a blown sight glass.

Engines attending Mamod Day

OK, not a Mamod but it does have a Mamod based power unit.

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

More like a Mamod but re-skinned and radio controlled.

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Norman's beautiful Mamod saddle tank resting in a siding.

Engines attending Mamod Day

It is Mamod Apple Green so it must be an Honorary Mamod.

Engines attending Mamod Day

A Wilesco static engine with electrical generator.

Engines attending Mamod Day

A Davis Charlton model hot air engine hiding on the platform.

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

John's new tipper wagons perform well.

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Elliot does some coal firing on the top track.

Engines attending Mamod Day

Engines attending Mamod Day

Photos by Dave

Norman's display of static engines and Mamod road engines

Norman's brilliant collection on display for the public.

Photo by Lucy

Norman's display of static engines and Mamod road engines

Old whiskers puzzling over a loco he and his son bought at Peterborough!

Photo by Don

If you have more photos to add to this or other galleries then please send them to