Butterley Garden Railway Association

2018 BBQ & Loco Olympics.

After weeks of sunshine and the hottest weather for years, the BBQ day comes around and it's raining! Still, it was nice and warm with only showers to bother us so we all just got on with the event. Glenis arranged the catering with Elliot and Lucy doing a fine job on the BBQ.

Just for a change and to find out if it would work, Mike organised a Loco Olympics to add a bit of fun to the BBQ afternoon. Quite a few members competed for the prizes that Brian had created. Spectators and competitors had a lot of fun and it distracted us from the drizzle. The events we managed to do were a Tug of War, a Pulling Power Test and a circuit of the track pulling a water filled container with the least spillage.

The day was great fun and looks set to become a regular event on our calender. Photos thanks to Brian and Jon.

BBQ & Loco Olympics

It was also our annual Barbeque - once again Eliott did his stuff..............

BBQ & Loco Olympics

......... with the Association proving cobs, salad and various chutneys and sauces. You bring your own meat!

BBQ & Loco Olympics

There was some normal running taking place........

BBQ & Loco Olympics

But most eyes were on the Olympics on the upper level.

BBQ & Loco Olympics

There were tests to measure drawbar pull........

BBQ & Loco Olympics

.... slow running...............

BBQ & Loco Olympics

........... and careful driving. The cocktail glass from Tesco was filled brim-full with water, and the loco despatched on a complete circuit. The loco which needed the least water to fill the glass up again was declared the winner.

BBQ & Loco Olympics

There was a lot of organisation and recording...........

BBQ & Loco Olympics

But eventually, I won an award (well, two actually)..........

BBQ & Loco Olympics

............... and so did Andrew

Photos by Brian.

BBQ & Loco Olympics

BBQ & Loco Olympics

BBQ & Loco Olympics

BBQ & Loco Olympics

BBQ & Loco Olympics

Photos by Jon.

If you have more photos to add to this or other galleries then please send them to