Butterley Garden Railway Association

2018 The New Rockery.

The trees in front of the cabin had caused problems for some years. Originally intended as miniature specimens, they had grown quite large and blocked the view of our layout. It was suggested that a rockery would improve the overall appearance for the public, improve visibility from the cabin and so give extra security.

After much discussion the trees to be removed were selected. They had previously been pruned back but even then they were just too big. So Norman, Tom and other helpers cut them down and cleared the stumps. The ground was then prepared, rocks selected and compost acquired so that Glenis, Norman and Tom could create the new rockery.

New Rockery

The cat looked a bit worried but those trees had to go.

New Rockery

Ground prepared.

New Rockery

Rocks selected.

New Rockery

New Rockery

New Rockery

Much improved view from the cabin.

New Rockery

Work begins.

New Rockery

All health and safety regulations were observed.

New Rockery

Tom set about the other problem tree.

New Rockery

Helped by Glenis.

New Rockery

While Norman got more compost.

New Rockery

Final touches and a little wizardry.

New Rockery

Before planting could begin.

New Rockery


New Rockery


New Rockery

And a well deserved rest.

Photos by John.

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