Butterley Garden Railway Association

2017 Open Weekend.

The weather was exceptionally hot and we all got very tired but we had a great weekend generating a lot of interest, generous contributions and new members. It all got started on Friday afternoon when we got everything set up. Then over the weekend Norman and John Sutton did some good business, Glenis and Mary sold lots of plants, John made the drinks and Brian manned his railway on a budget.

Brian and Elliot took the photos.

Brian's Photos

Setting Up

Right, that's got it half way up...

Setting Up

...and that's the second one going well.

Setting Up

"when I say lift, LIFT!"

Setting Up

Gosh it's hot.

Setting Up

The Sales Area all set up on Friday afternoon.

Merlin Fowler

This rather unusual Archangel loco was running a little irregularly, but it came to the right place to be diagnosed.

Kit Building

The new editor of Garden Rail, Phil Parker, was a visitor - here taking a wagon assembly challenge.

Elliot and Lucy

Ahhhhhhhhhhh - young lurve.

Tom and New Loco

"Don't think this needs much tweaking..."

New Members

Mike chatting with visitors.

Visiting Loco

He likes the loco but not the name.

Visiting Loco

Charles cooling off after a run.

Plant Stall

"We'll have to shift these plants...".

Brian's Table

Battery Corner...

Brian's Train

"Yippee! It's Beer o'clock!"

Photos and commentary by Brian Dominic.

Elliot's Photos

Photos by Elliot.

If you have more Gala photos that we could put onto this page then please send them to