We have an annual open weekend where we invite the public to look around and other enthusiasts to run their trains. There is normally refreshments for sale and stalls to raise funds for the club. We also invite specialist traders who have engines and rolling stock for sale.
The 2014 gala was very lucky with the weather - a dry, hot sunny Saturday was followed by a cloudy but warm Sunday. It also saw the local wildlife coming out in force! (Picture Kev Gregory)
Colin Godfrey and Mike Riley ensure that the Small People's Viewing Stage is correctly fitted............
The upper level (for some strange reason) became the province of the geared locos............................
Some Regners......................
......... and some VERY fine other ones!
One "Blast from the Past" which put in an appearance was the late Taj Jay's "Superbeast" - a LARGE loco built to special order by Merlin.
(Monotone voice) "Come and look at all the goodies on the Second Hand Stall.............."
We had plants, too - LOTS of plants!
The Cheap 'n Cheerful Brigade put in an appaerance - £100 train, anybody?
The last runners on the upper circuit were Andrew and Isabel Latham, who ran this Millie and rake of coaches.
Tony Storer was another stalwart on Tea Duty - this is the old boiler!
This rare survivor on Sunday morning was a Roundhouse "Gunga Din" once owned by Peter Dowd.
A new member brought along his battery electric GRS Hunslet and cardboard van - that's REALLY going back to first principles!
Up on the main site............
............. the "Bachmann" S&D Jinty takes a train towards Butterley.........
............ whilst on the narrow gauge "JOAN" runs around her train.
In the NG shed, the Ashover coach is nearing completion - it only cleared the shed doors by an inch-and-a-half when she went out on gauging trials and a point lever in the yard needed "adjusting, too!
Back at Butterley, Kev Gregory tends his train............
The BGRA Old Codger's Debating Society in full flow................
(Picture Kev Gregory)
(Picture Kev Gregory)
There were a few more traders on Sunday.............(Picture Kev Gregory)
(Picture Kev Gregory)