We run regular events.
Like Open Days and Night Runs.
And meet regularly on Sundays and other days.
We have private events like the Christmas Party, the BBQ and the Fish and Chip Supper.
Membership presently costs £25 per annum.
As a member you can park easily close to our layout.
You get a key to access our cabin at Midland Railway Butterly whose site is open every day other than Christmas Day.
You gain a login to our lively WhatsApp group.
Free tea and coffee and a warm cabin.
The company of like minded fellow members.
A chance to mine the huge accumulation of group knowledge and experience.
Opportunity to have fun with other railway loving people.
A NEW Roundhouse Silver Lady, Radio Controlled costs £2215. I bought mine, second hand, ten years ago for £1300. If I sold mine today then i could probably get my money back.
Buying my loco was a reasonable investment because I've had ten years of fun with it and it's still going strong.
But it can be an expensive hobby.
A small working battery loco kit can cost as little as £100.
But if you want to fit radio control or sound, then it needs to have room to fit the electronics.
Alan's railcar, converted from a simple coach kit.
If your battery loco is going to pull a train then it will cost more. A high quality Roundhouse Battery loco will cost upwards of £600.
But at least you know that its going to work out of the box and last a lifetime.
If you're building a kit then beware of hidden extras. Radio Kit £50 to £100, sound £50, rechargeable batteries and charger £50 and painting it (always more coats than you thought) £50.
Garden Railway Services (http://www.grsuk.com)
is one of the largest retailers in the UK.Many members make their purchases at one of the many garden railway shows.
Very large national shows are organised by the G Scale Society and the 16mm Association.
We are located in the Midlands in central Derbyshire, just over 4 miles from Junction 28 of the M1. The garden layout is actually located at the Midland Railway Centre, Ripley, 25 yards down the line from the Butterley Station, opposite the Signal box.
Our address for your SatNav is...
Butterley Station
Some browsers may not show the map properly. Please try clicking here if the map is missing or search Google Maps using postcode DE5 3QZ.
For the more technical use co-ordinates 53.06320,-1.40390
You may enter through Butterley Station, turn right and go under the road-bridge, continuing by the track to the layout.
Please note that there is a gate on the Dirt Road which is normally pad-locked but if you contact us we can arrange admittance.
Our Chairperson and Newsletter Editor is:
Alan Price
E-mail: alan.@alanprice.me.uk
Telephone: 01773 823311
Our Secretary is:
Mike Riley
E-mail: m.riley@ntlworld.com
Telephone: 01509 554574
Mobile: 07522 554446
Annual subscription rates are:
In addition there is a one-off key charge of £5.
Annual subscription rates are:
In addition there is a one-off key charge of £5.
Our membership is drawn from across the East Midlands and further.
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